
Gray is heaven
Gray is hell
Gray are human buildings
And gray are human beings
From behind all this ash gray
Flies a big black bird
Right into the history of white

Country Girl

Just you look at me, rapeflowers
Spreading to the borders of harvest
My palms gloved with calluses
My boots marked with seeds

Just you listen to me, bullfrogs
When they whistle to us aloud
My heart is full of songs
My mouth is full of silences

Just you flirt with my shadow, soils
Cast for the land to love
The wheat is ripe with musings
The fields are filled with me

Drawing Dragons

There was a contest
For the most faithful representation
Of the Chinese dragon

At the foot of the Alps

An inflated Satan Or was Sua proper
Came to squat among

Then stroke by stroke, again
It rose right
Upon  Each slate of white


Changming Yuan grew up in rural China and authored three books before immigrating to Canada. Currently Yuan teaches writing in Vancouver and has had poetry published or forthcoming in Barnwood, Drunken Boat, Exquisite Corpse, Iodine, Literary Review of Canada, London Magazine, Mad Bunkers, Salzburg Review, Sentence, Taj Mahal Review and over 100 other literary journals.
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